Debugging slow PostgreSQL queries

04 January 2018

If production is on fire from slow queries, the quick command to identify them is:

  now() - query_start as duration,
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE pg_stat_activity.state <> 'idle'
  AND pg_stat_activity.query_start < now() - interval '5 minutes';

The above command will output any queries that have been running for more than 5 minutes. We are returning some of the predefined views from pg_stat_activity, which is PostgreSQL’s statistics collector. There are a lot of other statistics on that table, but these ones help quickly finding offending queries.

You can check out all the statistics available with SELECT * from pg_stat_activity;

The next step is making sure logs are available. If you haven’t already started looking at your database logs, make sure these values are set on in your postgresql.conf file:

logging_collector = on
log_directory = 'pg_log'
log_min_duration_statement = 30
  • logging_collector collects postgresql log outputs and writes them to a file
  • log_directory sets the name of the log file that will be written to
  • log_min_duration_statement will log the query time, only for queries taking

longer than the number set (in milliseconds). This one is really useful!

With this on you will get logs of slow running queries (with the time it took!), which can use either to identify problems before things catch fire or tell a story about what happened.