Building a Leaderboard with Redis

24 December 2017

Leaderboards can be cumbersome to build, especially building one that can scale past millions. Fortunately Redis has built-in data type that makes doing this really easy.

The data type is a sorted set, a collection of non repeating strings where each member is associated with a score. Access to a range around a user i.e. getting a user’s leaderboard is extremely fast, and can be done with ZRANGE, which is a O(log(N)+M) operations, where N is the size of the sorted set and M are the elements returned, meaning a set size of 100+ million can still return in a few milliseconds.

We’ll make a tiny example web server in go that can do a few basic operations with a leaderboard:

  • add to a leaderboard with ZADD/3
  • get a users current rank with ZRANK/2
  • get leaderboard around a user with ZRANGE/3
  • get top10 with ZREVRANGE/3

Our leaderboard will store simple userID/score pairs. Each operation takes the key name our of leaderboard, and 1-2 additional arguments depending on the command.

To give some context, we’re going to be using mux for our web server, go-redis as our Redis client and returning a user struct:

import (


const leaderboard string = "leaderboard"

func respondWithJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, code int, user interface{}) {
	response, _ := json.Marshal(user)

	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

type user struct {
	ID    string  `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Rank  int64   `json:"rank,omitempty"`
	Score float64 `json:"score,omitempty"`

type app struct {
	Router *mux.Router
	Redis  *redis.Client

func (a *app) initialize() {
	a.Router = mux.NewRouter()
	a.Redis = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
		Addr:     "localhost:6379",
		Password: "", // no password set
		DB:       0,  // use default DB


func (a *app) initializeRoutes() {
	a.Router.HandleFunc("/leaderboard/{id}", a.viewLeaderboard).Methods("GET")
	a.Router.HandleFunc("/user/{id}", a.viewRank).Methods("GET")
	a.Router.HandleFunc("/user/{id}", a.updateRank).Methods("POST")
	a.Router.HandleFunc("/topusers", a.topRanks).Methods("GET")

func (a *app) run() {
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", a.Router)

func main() {
	a := app{}

The first thing we will look at is updating a user’s score. ZADD takes the leaderboard key play a key/value pair, we will use userID/score in this example. The ZADD operation is idempotent so it will either add or update depending if the key already exists in the set. Our web server will take in the request params, and pass them to our Redis client:

func (a *app) updateRank(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	id := vars["id"]

	newUser := new(user)

	zAdd := a.Redis.ZAdd(leaderboard, redis.Z{newUser.Score, id})
	added, _ := zAdd.Result()

	if added == int64(1) {
		respondWithJSON(w, http.StatusOK, ``)

Next thing we’ll do is get the rank of the user we added with ZRANK, this operation does a lookup by the userID key we added and returns the rank of that user:

func (a *app) viewRank(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	id := vars["id"]

	zRank := a.Redis.ZRank(leaderboard, id)
	user := user{ID: id, Rank: zRank.Val()}

	respondWithJSON(w, http.StatusOK, user)

Viewing the top10 ranks is pretty straight forward, ZREVRANGE takes the sorted set ordered from highest to lowest, we will just grab the first 10 elements from it. ZREVRANGEWITHSCORES includes the score for each user, which is also convenient for our web server:

func (a *app) topRanks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	zRevRangeWithScores := a.Redis.ZRevRangeWithScores(leaderboard, 0, 9)

	users := []user{}
	for _, data := range zRevRangeWithScores.Val() {
		member, _ := data.Member.(string)

		user := user{ID: member, Score: data.Score}
		users = append(users, user)

	respondWithJSON(w, http.StatusOK, users)

Last and most interesting is the leaderboard around a single user. This will actually be the same as the top10 leaderboard, but instead of taking the top scores, we’re going to find the rank of our user and grab the users immediately around them.

func (a *app) viewLeaderboard(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	id := vars["id"]

	zRank := a.Redis.ZRank(leaderboard, id)

	lower := zRank.Val() - 5
	upper := zRank.Val() + 4

	zRangeWithScores := a.Redis.ZRangeWithScores(leaderboard, lower, upper)

	users := []user{}
	for _, data := range zRangeWithScores.Val() {
		member, _ := data.Member.(string)

		user := user{ID: member, Score: data.Score}
		users = append(users, user)

	respondWithJSON(w, http.StatusOK, users)

Now we have a fully functioning leaderboard! Not only is it as fast as Redis, but the performance is essentially O(log(N)), so it scales petty well.

The first few extensions of this are probably

  • multiple leaderboards e.g. leaderboard/vip/3 (which would just involve setting a different Redis key to access a

different sorted set)

  • removing a user from the sorted set
  • total users in the leaderboard

None of those involve anything more complicated than what we just went over, but up to you to implement!